Imam Reza's(as) Nature and Lifestyle: Succession to the Throne

al-Ma'mun was one of those Abassid Caliph whose motive was to humiliate Imam Reza( عليه السلام) among his people, In order to do that al-Ma'mun forced him to accept the Throne of caliphate so that he can continue his oppression and tyranny under the rule of Imam Reza( عليه السلام) Caliphate, which will ultimately leads to humiliation of Imam Reza( عليه السلام). Imam was given option either to get killed or accept caliphate. Imam chose to accept the caliphate under various condition.
Reason for his Succession
2 - حدثنا أحمد بن زياد بن جعفر الهمداني رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا علي بن إبراهيم بن هاشم عن أبيه، عن الريان بن الصلت، قال: دخلت على علي بن موسى الرضا عليهما السلام فقلت له: يا بن رسول الله الناس يقولون: إنك قبلت ولاية العهد مع إظهارك الزهد في الدنيا؟ فقال عليه السلام: قد علم الله كراهتي لذلك، فلما خيرت بين قبول ذلك وبين القتل إخترت القبول على القتل، ويحهم! أما علموا أن يوسف عليه السلام كان نبيا ورسولا دفعته الضرورة إلى تولي خزائن العزيز (قال إجعلني على خزائن الأرض إني حفيظ عليم) ودفعتني الضرورة إلى قبول ذلك على إكراه وإجبار بعد الاشراف على الهلاك، على أني ما دخلت في هذا الامر إلا دخول خارج منه فإلى الله المشتكى وهو المستعان.
“I went to see Ali ibn Musa Al-Reza ( عليه السلام) and told him, “O son of the Prophet! The people say that although you show asceticism, you have accepted the succession to the throne.” He ( عليه السلام) replied, “Indeed God knows how much I hated this. However when I was only given the choice to either accept this or be killed, I chose this (the acceptance of the succession to the throne) over being killed. Woe be to them! Do they not know that Joseph ( عليه السلام), who was a Prophet, said the following to the King of Egypt when it was necessary to do so, ‘Set me over the store-houses of the land: I will indeed guard them, as one that knows (their importance).’
I was also forced to accept this (the acceptance of the succession to the throne) even though I did not like to. I unwillingly accepted it when I was about to be killed. I accepted this affair like one who has no interest in it. And I will take my complaint to God on this issue and seek His Assistance.
Source: Uyun Akhbar al-Reza by Sheikh Sadooq, Vol 1, Pg 150, H 2.
- Sheikh Asif Muhsini: "Mo'tabar Sanad" (Masharat Behar al-Anwaar 2/193)
- Sheikh Hadi al-Najafi:"Mo'tabar Sanad" (Mausu'ah Ahadith Ahlulbayt 6/225)
Conditions for his acceptance
29 - حدثنا أبي رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا أحمد بن إدريس قال: حدثنا محمد بن أحمد بن يحيى بن عمران الأشعري قال: حدثنا معاوية بن حكيم، عن معمر بن خلاد، قال: قال لي أبو الحسن الرضا عليه السلام، قال لي المأمون يوما: يا أبا الحسن انظر بعض من تثق به نوليه هذه البلدان التي قد فسدت علينا فقلت له تفي لي وأوافي لك فاني إنما دخلت فيما دخلت على أن لا آمر فيه ولا أنهي ولا أعزل ولا أولي ولا أشير حتى يقدمني الله قبلك فوالله أن الخلافة لشئ ما حدثت به نفسي ولقد كنت بالمدينة أتردد في طرقها على دابتي وأن أهلها وغيرهم يسألوني الحوائج فأقضيها لهم، فصيرون كالأعمام لي وأن كتبي لنافذة في الأمصار وما زدتني من نعمة هي علي من ربي فقال له: أفي لك.
(The author of the book narrated) my father ( رضي الله عنه) narrated that Ahmad ibn Idris quoted on the authority of Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Yahya ibn Imran al-Ash’ari, on the authority of Mo’awiya ibn Hakeem, on the authority of Mo’ammar ibn Khallad that Abul Hassan Al-Reza ( عليه السلام) narrated that one day Al-Ma’mun told him:
“O Abal Hassan (Al-Reza ( عليه السلام))! See whom you trust and introduce them to me to appoint as the governor of a few of the towns in which there is rebellion against us.” The Imam ( عليه السلام) told him, “Honor your covenant with me, and I will honor my covenant with you. My condition for accepting the succession to the throne was that I will not interfere in any of the affairs. I will neither issue any orders, nor will I admonish anyone. I will not remove anyone from office, neither will I appoint anyone. I will not dispatch anyone for any affair. This I will do until God takes me away before you. I swear by God that I have not made any plans for the Caliphate in my mind. I was in Medina where I went around on my own animals. The people there and other people just asked me for the fulfillment of their needs. I fulfilled whatever I possibly could. Thus to me they were just like my uncles. My letters to anyone anywhere were honored. You have not added any blessings to what God has already granted to me.” Then Al-Ma’mun said, “Fine. I will honor my covenant with you.”
- Sheikh Asif Muhsini: "Mo'tabar Sanad" (Masharat Behar al-Anwaar 2/193)
How Imam Reza(عليه السلام) ended the humiliation plan of al-Ma'mun
7 - علي بن إبراهيم، عن ياسر الخادم والريان بن الصلت جميعا قال: لما انقضى أمر المخلوع واستوى الامر للمأمون كتب إلى الرضا عليه السلام يستقدمه إلى خراسان، فاعتل عليه أبوالحسن عليه السلام بعلل، فلم يزل المأمون يكاتبه في ذلك حتى علم أنه لا محيص له و أنه لا يكف عنه، فخرج عليه السلام ولابي جعفر عليه السلام سبع سنين، فكتب إليه المأمون: لا تأخذ على طريق الجبل وقم، وخذ على طريق البصرة والاهواز وفارس، حتى وافى مرو، فعرض عليه المأمون أن يتقلد الامر والخلافة، فأبى أبوالحسن عليه السلام، قال: فولاية العهد؟ فقال: على شروط أسألكها، قال المأمون له: سل ما شئت، فكتب الرضا عليه السلام: أني داخل في ولاية العهد؟ على أن لا آمر ولا أنهى ولا افتي ولا أقضي ولا أولي ولا أعزل ولا اغير شيئا مما هو قائم وتعفيني من ذلك كله، فأجابه المأمون إلى ذلك كله، قال: فحدثني ياسر قال: فلما حضر العيد بعث المأمون إلى الرضا عليه السلام يسأله أن يركب ويحضر العيد ويصلي ويخطب، فبعث إليه الرضا عليه السلام قد علمت ما كان بيني وبينك من الشروط في دخول هذا الامر، فبعث إليه المأمون إنما اريد بذلك أن تطمئن قلوب الناس ويعرفوا فضلك، فلم يزل عليه السلام يراده الكلام في ذلك فألح عليه، فقال: يا أمير المؤمنين إن أعفيتني من ذلك فهو أحب إلي وإن لم تعفني خرجت كما خرج رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وأمير المؤمنين عليه السلام، فقال المأمون: اخرج كيف شئت وأمر المأمون القواد والناس أن يبكروا(1) إلى باب أبي الحسن.قال: فحدثني ياسر الخادم أنه قعد الناس لابي الحسن عليه السلام في الطرقات و السطوح، الرجال والنساء والصبيان، واجتمع القواد والجند على باب أبي الحسن عليه السلام فلما طلعت الشمس قام عليه السلام فاغتسل وتعمم بعمامة بيضاء من قطن، ألقى طرفا منها على صدره وطرفا بين كتفيه وتشمر، ثم قال لجميع مواليه: افعلوا مثل ما فعلت ثم أخذ بيده عكازا(2) ثم خرج ونحن بين يديه وهو حاف قد شمر سراويله إلى نصف الساق وعليه ثياب مشمرة، فلما مشى ومشينا بين يديه رفع رأسه إلى السماء وكبر أربع تكبيرات، فخيل إلينا أن السماء والحيطان تجاوبه، والقواد والناس على الباب قد تهيؤوا ولبسوا السلاح وتزينوا بأحسن الزينة، فلما طلعنا عليهم بهذه الصورة وطلع الرضا عليه السلام وقف على الباب وقفة، ثم قال: " الله أكبر، الله أكبر، الله أكبر [الله أكبر] على ما هدانا، الله أكبر على ما رزقنا من بهيمة الانعام والحمد لله على ما أبلانا " نرفع بها أصواتنا - قال ياسر: فتزعزعت مرو بالبكاء والضجيج والصياح لما نظروا إلى أبي الحسن عليه السلام وسقط القواد عن دوابهم ورموا بخفافهم لما رأوا أبا الحسن عليه السلام حافيا وكان يمشي ويقف في كل عشر خطوات ويكبر ثلاث مرات قال ياسر: فتخيل إلينا أن السماء والارض والجبال تجاوبه، وصارت مرو ضجة واحدة من البكاء وبلغ المأمون ذلك فقال له الفضل بن سهل ذو الرياستين: يا أمير المؤمنين إن بلغ الرضا المصلى على هذا السبيل افتتن به الناس والرأي أن تسأله أن يرجع فبعث إليه المأمون فسأله الرجوع فدعا أبوالحسن عليه السلام بخفه فلبسه وركب ورجع.
Ali ibn Ibrahim has narrated from Yasir al-Khadim and al-Rayyan ibn al-Salt and both have said the following:
“When the matter of the deposed Caliph (Amin) ended and it (rule) was established for al-Ma’mun he wrote to al-Reza ( عليه السلام) asking to come to Khurasan. Abu al-Hassan, recipient of divine supreme covenant,in reply presented certain reasons to justify his disagreement with the proposal but al-Ma’mun continued writing until the Imam found it unavoidable and that he (al-Ma’mun) would not leave him alone. He, recipient of divine supreme covenant, then decided to leave for Khurasan and at that time abu Ja‘far, recipient of divine supreme covenant, was only seven years old.
Al-Ma’mun wrote to him, ‘Do not travel through the mountains and Qum. Take the road through Basra, al-Ahwaz and Persia.’ The Imam arrived at Marw. Al-Ma’mun offered him to command and lead the task of Khilafat (leadership) but abu al-Hassan, recipient of divine supreme covenant, declined. He then offered the Imam to accept the position of a crown prince. The Imam said that he might accept it under certain conditions.
Al-Ma’mun said, ‘Say whatever conditions you like.’ “The Imam wrote, ‘I will assume this position with the conditions that I will not issue any order or prohibitions nor issue any fatwa or judgment nor any appointment or dismissal of officers or change anything in the current system. You must excuse me in all such matters.’ Al-Ma’mun agreed to all such conditions.
“The narrator has said that Yasir narrated to me saying, ‘When it was ‘Id (the holiday) al-Ma’mun asked al-Reza( عليه السلام) to attend the program, lead the prayer and deliver the sermon. Al-Reza ( عليه السلام) replied to him saying, ‘You know the conditions between us. They did not consist of any such matters. Al-Ma’mun sent the message, ‘I only want thereby to build confidence in the people by knowing your distinction.’ He continued insisting until the Imam said, ‘O Amir al-Mu’minin, I will appreciate it greatly if you excuse me from such task and if you still insist then I will do this task in the manner that the Messenger of Allah and Amir al-Mu’minin Ali, recipient of divine supreme covenant, would do.’
“Al-Ma’mun then said, ‘You may do as you choose.’ Al-Ma’mun ordered the servants and guides to lead a procession to the door of abu al-Hassan, recipient of divine supreme covenant, saying ‘Allahu Akbar,’ Allah is great. “The narrator has said that Yasir al-Khadim narrated to me, ‘People lined up waiting for the Imam on the roads and roof tops, men, women and children. The guides and people from the army gathered at the door of abu al-Hassan, recipient of divine supreme covenant. At sunrise the Imam took a shower and wore a white turban made of cotton. He let one end of the turban hang over his chest and the other end between his shoulders on his back. He tied his belt and said to his followers, ‘Do as I have done.’ He picked up an arrow-shaped staff and came out and we were along with him. He was barefoot and his gown was raised halfway between his feet and knees and so were his other (long) clothes. When he walked and we walked along with him he raised his head toward the sky and said, ‘Allahu Akbar’ (Allah is great) four times. It seemed to us as if the sky and the walls responded to him. The guides and the people at the door were ready and armed and decorated with the best dresses. When we came out in such fashion along with al-Reza ( عليه السلام) he stood at the door briefly. He then said, ‘Allahu Akbar (Allah is great). Allahu Akbar (Allah is great). Allahu Akbar (Allah is great). Allahu Akbar (Allah is great). He has granted us guidance. Allahu Akbar (Allah is great). He has granted us the cattle. All praise belongs to Allah. He has granted us blessings.’ We all raised our voices. Yasir al-Khadim has said that the whole Marw shook with the weeping cries and shouts when they looked at abu al-Hassan, recipient of divine supreme covenant. Many of the guides fell from their horses. The horses kicked. The guides threw away their boots when they saw abu al-Hassan, recipient of divine supreme covenant, barefoot. He would walk about ten steps and pause and say, ‘Allahu Akbar’ three times. Yasir al-Khadim has said that to us it seemed as if the sky, earth and mountains responded along with him. The whole Marw had become one voice loud and tearful.
It was reported to al-Ma’mun. Sahl ibn al-Fadl, who had two official posts, said to him, ‘O Amir al-Mu’minin, if al-Reza ( عليه السلام) will reach the place of prayer in this manner people will devotedly be attracted to him. In my opinion, ask him to return home.’ “Al-Ma’mun sent his people to ask abu al-Hassan, recipient of divine supreme covenant, to return home. He asked to bring his shoes and wore them and rode back home.’”
- Allamah Majlisi: "Saheeh" (Mirat ul Uqool 6/83) - for al-Kafi
- Sheikh Asif Muhsini: "Mo'tabar Sanad" (Masharat Behar al-Anwaar 2/193) - for Uyun
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