Ten Things each of which is Harder than other.

Here is an Fantastic Hadeeth which tell us about Character of Muawiyah and his Lies and the Knowledge of Ali and his Sons.

حدثنا أبي رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا علي بن إبراهيم بن هاشم، عن أبيه عن عبدالرحمن بن أبي نجران، عن عاصم بن حميد، عن محمد بن
قيس، عن أبي جعفر عليه السلام قال:
بينما أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام في الرحبة والناس عليه متراكمون فمن بين مستفت ومن بين مستعد إذ قام إليه رجل فقال: السلام عليك يا أمير المؤمنين ورحمة الله وبركاته.
فنظر إليه أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام بعينيه هاتيك العظيمتين ثم قال: وعليك السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته. من أنت؟
فقال: أنا رجل من رعيتك وأهل بلادك.
قال: ما أنت من رعيتي وأهل بلادي، ولو سلمت علي يوما واحدا ماخفيت علي.
فقال: الامان يا أمير المؤمنين.
فقال أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام: هل أحدثت في مصري هذا حدثا منذ دخلته.
قال: لا.
قال: فعلك من رجال الحرب؟
قال: نعم.
قال: إذا وضعت الحرب أوزارها فلا بأس.
قال: أنا رجل بعثني إليك معاوية متغفلا لك أسألك عن شيء بعث فيه ابن الاصفر وقال له: إن كنت أنت أحق بهذا الامر والخليفة بعد محمد
فأجبني عما أسألك فإنك إذا فعلت ذلك اتبعتك وأبعث إليك بالجائزة فلم يكن عنـده جـواب،
وقد أقلقه ذلك فبعثني إليك لاسألك عنها.
فقال أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام: قاتل الله ابن آكلة الاكباد ماأضله وأعماه ومن معه. والله لقد أعتق جارية فما أحسن أن يتزوج بها. حكم 
الله بيني وبين هذه الامة، قطعوا رحمي، واضاعوا أيامي، ودفعوا حقي وصغروا عظيم منزلتي وأجمعوا على منازعتي. يا قنبر، عليّ بالحسن
والحسين ومحمد.
فاحضروا، فقال: ياشامي هذان ابنا رسول الله وهذا ابني فسأل أيهم أحببت؟
فقال: أسأل ذا الوفرة، يعني الحسن عليه السلام، وكان صبيا.
فقال له الحسن عليه السلام: سلني عما بدا لك.
فقال الشامي: كم بين الحق والباطل، وكم بين السماء والارض، وكم بين المشرق والمغرب، وماقوس قزح، وما العين التي تأوي إليها أرواح
المشركين، وما العين التي تأوي إليها أرواح المؤمنين، وما المؤنث، وما عشرة أشياء بعضها أشد من بعض؟
فقال الحسن بن علي عليهما السلام: بين الحق والباطل أربع أصابع فما رأيته بعينك فهو الحق، وقد تسمع باذنيك باطلا كثيرا.
قال الشامي صدقت.
قال: وبين السماء والارض دعوة المظلوم ومد البصر، فمن قال لك غير هذا فكذبه.
قال: صدقت يا بن رسول الله.
قال: وبين المشرق والمغرب مسيرة يوم للشمس تنظر إليها حين تطلع من مشرقها وحين تغيب من مغربها.
قال الشامي: صدقت. فما قوس قزح؟
قال عليه السلام: ويحك، لا تقل قوس قزح، فإن قزح اسم شيطان، وهو قوس الله وعلامة الخصب وأمان لاهل الارض من الغرق. وأما
العين التي تأوي إليها أرواح المشركين فهي عين يقال لها برهوت، وأما العين التي تأوي إليها أرواح المؤمنين وهي يقال لها سلمى، وأما المؤنث فهو الذي لا يدري أذكر هو أم انثى، فإنه ينتظر به فإن كان ذكرا احتلم وإن كانت انثى حاضت وبدا ثديها، وإلا قيل له بُل عـلى الحائط فان أصاب بوله الحائط فهو ذكر وإن انتكص بوله كما انتكص بول البعير فهي امرأة.
وأما عشرة أشياء بعضها أشد من بعض فأشد شيء خلقه الله عز وجل الحجر، وأشد من الحجر الحديد الذي يقطع به الحجر، وأشد من الحديد النار تذيب الحديد وأشد من النار الماء يطفئ النار، وأشد من الماء السحاب يحمل الماء، وأشد من السحاب الريح تحمل السحاب، واشد من الريح الملك الذي يرسلها، وأشد من الملك ملك الموت الذي يميت الملك، وأشد من ملك الموت الموت الذي يميت ملك الموت، وأشد من الموت أمر الله رب العالمين يميت الموت.
فقال الشامي: أشهد أنك ابن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله حقا وأن عليا أولى بالامر من معاوية.
ثم كتب هذه الجوابات وذهب بها ألى معاوية، فبعثها معاوية ألى ابن الاصفر فكتب أليه ابن الاصفر: يا معاوية، لم تكلمني بغير كلامك وتجيبني 

بغير جوابك؟ اقسم بالمسيح ما هذا جوابك وما هو إلا من معدن النبوة وموضع الرسالة. وأما أنت فلو سألتني درهما ما أعطيتك.

(The compiler of the book narrated) that his father - may God be pleased with him - narrated that Ali ibn Ibrahim ibn Hashim quoted on the authority of his father, on the authority of Abdul Rahman ibn Abi Najran, on the authority of Asim ibn Hamid, on the authority of Muhammad ibn Qays that Abi Ja’far al-Baqir (MGB) said,
“Once when the Commander of the Faithful Imam Ali (MGB) was in a courtyard, the people had gathered around him (MGB). Someone wanted to ask about a decree, another one had a complaint, and was expressing his conditions. Suddenly a man came to him and said, ‘O Commander of the Faithful! Peace be upon you as well as God’s Mercy and His Blessings.’ Then the Commander of the Faithful (MGB) looked at him with his two big eyes and replied, ‘And peace be upon you as well as God’s Mercy and His Blessings. 

Who are you?’ 

The man said, ‘A man and I are from your people, and I am a resident of one of your towns.’

The Commander of the Faithful (MGB) said, ‘You are not one of my people and are not a resident of one of our towns. I would not have forgotten it, even if you had greeted me once.’

Then the man said, “O Commander of the Faithful! Please grant me immunity.’ Then the Commander of the Faithful (MGB) asked, ‘Have you committed a crime in my town since you came here?’

The man replied, ‘No.’ The Commander of the Faithful (MGB) asked him, ‘Then are you a soldier?’ The man replied, ‘Yes.’ Then the Commander of the Faithful (MGB) said, ‘Now that there is a peace treaty in effect, it doesn’t matter.’

The man said, ‘I am one of the agents of Muawiyah. I was sent here in a disguise in order to ask you questions which Ibn al-Asfar (who is the Emperor of Rome) asked Muawiyah. The Emperor replied that if Muawiyah is the real ruler and the Caliph after Muhammad (MGB), he should be able to answer these questions. Then the Emperor would pledge allegiance to Muawiyah and pay him remuneration. Since Muawiyah could not answer the questions he has dispatched me to ask them from you.’

 Then the Commander of the Faithful Ali (MGB) said, ‘May God kill the offspring of the liver-eater Hind. How deviated and blind he and his companions are! I swear by God that he freed his female slave and did not understand how to join her in marriage. God will rule between me and this nation. They cut off my bonds of relationship; wasted my time; usurped my rights; belittled my grand position and united against me. 

O Qanbar! Bring Al-Hassan (MGB), Al-Hussein (MGB) and Muhammad (MGB) to me.’

The sons came by him. Then the Commander of the Faithful (MGB) said,

 ‘O Syrian man! These two are the (grand)sons of God’s Prophet (MGB) and this one is my own son. Ask your questions from any of them as you wish.’

 The Syrian man said, ‘I will ask my questions from the long-haired one that is Al-Hassan (MGB) who is young. 

Then Al-Hassan (MGB) told him, ‘Ask me whatever you wish to ask.’

Then the Syrian fellow asked, 
‘What is the distance between right and wrong?
 How much is the distance between the heavens and the Earth?
 How much is the distance between the East and the West?
 What is Qus and Qazah (the bow and the rainbow)?
 Where is the place in which the unbelievers’ souls reside?
 Where is the place in which the believers’ souls reside?
 What does Al-Mo’anas refer to?
 What are the ten things each of which is harder than the other?’

Then Al-Hassan ibn Ali (MGB) said,

 ‘The distance between right and wrong is just four fingers. Whatever you yourself see is right, but most of whatever you hear may be wrong.’

The Syrian fellow said, ‘You are right!’

 Al-Hassan (MGB) said, ‘The distance between the heavens and the Earth is the supplication of the oppressed one and the closing of the eyes. Anyone who says anything else has lied.’

 The Syrian fellow said, ‘O (grand)son of the Prophet! You are right!’

 Al-Hassan (MGB) said, ‘The distance between the East and the West is just the duration of time needed for the rotation of the sun from where it rises to where it sets during one day.’

 The Syrian man said, ‘You are right! 

Then what is Qus and Qazah (the bow and the rainbow)?’

 Al-Hassan ibn Ali (MGB) said, ‘Shame on you! Do not say Qus and Qazah since Qazah is the name of Satan. It is Qus Allah and it is a sign of abundance and immunity of the people of the Earth from drowning.

The place in which the unbelievers’ souls shall reside is called Barahut. And the place in which the believers’ souls shall reside is called Salma.

 And Al-Mo’anas refers to one whose gender cannot be recognized. Once he or she grows up, it is a male if he ejaculates and it would be a female if she menstruates and the nipples grow. If its gender is still not distinguishable with these two signs, it should be asked to urinate towards a wall. It would be a male, if the urination is fast flowing and it reaches the wall, while it would be a female if the urination just flows out like that of a camel.

 The ten things each of which is harder than the other are as follows.

  1. The hardest thing which the Honorable the Exalted God has created is the stone.
  2. However, iron is even harder than stone since it cuts the stone.
  3. Fire is even harder than iron since it can melt the iron. 
  4. Water is even harder than fire since it can extinguish it.
  5. Clouds are even harder than water since they move it around. 
  6. Winds are even harder than clouds since they move the clouds around.
  7. Yet the angel who dispatches the winds is harder than the wind itself.
  8. And the angel of death is even harder than the angel which dispatches the winds since it can take away its life. 
  9. And death is even harder than the angel of death, since it takes away the angel of death. 
  10. Yet harder than all of these is the order of God - the Lord of the Two Worlds - which can take away death itself.

 Then the Syrian fellow said, ‘I bear witness that you are the (grand)son of God’s Prophet (MGB). You are right! And I bear witness that Ali more deserves to rule than Muawiyah.’

Then the Syrian fellow wrote down these answers and went to Muawiyah with them. Muawiyah wrote these answers to (Ibn Al-Asfar) the Emperor of Rome. Then Ibn al-Safar wrote the following back to Muawiyah, ‘O Muawiyah! Why do you use other people’s sayings and answer me with other people’s responses? I swear by Jesus that these are not your answers. Rather they have come from the treasury of Prophethood and the seat of messengership. And I will not even give you one Dirham if you ask for it.’”

  1. Sheikh Asif Muhsini:"Saheeh Sanad" (Masharat Behar al-Anwar 1/232)*
  2. al-BaHrani:"Saheeh" (al-Hada’iq al-Nadirah 9/65) 
Note:Sheikh Asif Muhsini, doubt on Matn of this hadeeth, he says it is not possible that Imam Hasan(as) would reply question fourth(bold part) this way.


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