Miracles of Masomeen(as)
Here are some of the Miracles of Masomeen(as) from Reliable Narrations
Hadeeth #1:
Hadeeth #1:
4 - محمد بن يحيى وأحمد بن محمد، عن محمد بن الحسن، عن القاسم النهدي، عن إسماعيل بن مهران، عن الكناسي، عن أبي عبدالله عليه السلام قال: خرج الحسن بن علي عليهما السلام في بعض عمره(2) ومعه رجل من ولد الزبير كان يقول بإمامته، فنزلوا في منهل من تلك المناهل تحت نخل يابس، قد يبس من العطش، ففرش للحسن عليه السلام تحت نخلة وفرش للزبيري بحذاه تحت نخلة اخرى، قال: فقال الزبيري ورفع رأسه: لو كان في هذا النخل رطب لاكلنا منه، فقال له الحسن: وإنك لتشتهي الرطب؟ فقال الزبيري: نعم قال: فرفع يده إلى السماء فدعا بكلام لم أفهمه، فاخضرت النخلة ثم صارت إلى حالها فأورقت وحملت رطبا، فقال الجمال الذي اكتروا منه سحر والله، قال: فقال الحسن عليه السلام: ويلك ليس بسحر ولكن دعوة ابن نبي مستجابة قال: فصعدوا إلى النخلة فصرموا ما كان فيه فكفاهم.
Muhammad ibn Yahya and Ahmad ibn Muhammad have narrated from Muhammad ibn al-Hassan from al-Qasim al-Nahdi from ’Isma‘il ibn Mihran from al-Kunasi from abu ‘Abd Allah, recipient of divine supreme covenant, who has said the following:
“Abu ‘Abd Allah, recipient of divine supreme covenant, has said, ‘Once, al-Hassan ibn Ali, recipient of divine supreme covenant, went outside the town with a man from the children of al-Zubayr who believed al-Hassan to be the Imam. They stopped for rest on one of the oases under a palm tree that had dried up due to lack of water. A furnishing was spread for Imam al-Hassan, recipient of divine supreme covenant, under that tree and for al-Zubayri the furnishings were arranged under a tree just next to it. The narrator has said that al-Zubayri looked up the tree and said, ‘I wish this tree had fruits so we could eat from them.’ Al-Hassan, recipient of divine supreme covenant, asked, ‘Do you wish to have dates?’ He said, ‘Yes, I do wish to have
dates.’ He (al-Hassan, recipient of divine supreme covenant) raised his hands to the sky and spoke certain words that I did not understand. The tree turned green. It returned to its normal condition, its leaves grew and it became loaded with dates. The man from whom they had hired camels begun to say, ‘It by Allah, is magic.’ Al-Hassan, recipient of divine supreme covenant, said, ‘Woe is upon you, it is not magic. It is a prayer of the grandson of a prophet that is answered.’ They climbed the tree to pick the dates that were there and it provided enough for their needs.’”
Grading:Majlisi:Saheeh (Mirat ul Uqool 5/355)
Hadeeth #2:
2 - عدة من أصحابنا، عن أحمد بن محمد، عن ابن فضال، عن ابن بكير، عن زرارة قال: سمعت أبا جعفر عليه السلام يقول: كان لعلي بن الحسين عليه السلام ناقة، حج عليها اثنتين وعشرين حجة، ما قرعها قرعة قط، قال: فجاء*ت بعد موته وما شعرنا بها إلا وقد جاء ني بعض خدمنا أو بعض الموالي، فقال: إن الناقة قد خرجت فأتت قبر علي بن الحسين فانبركت عليه، فدلكت بجرانها القبر وهي ترغو، فقلت: أدركوها أدركوها وجيئوني بها قبل ان يعلموا بها أو يروها، قال: وما كانت رأت القبر قط.
A number of our people have narrated from Ahmad ibn Muhammad from ibn al-Faddal from ibn Bukayr from Zurara who has said the following:
“I heard abu Ja‘far, recipient of divine supreme covenant, say,‘Ali ibn al-Husayn, recipient of divine supreme covenant, had a she-camel. He had taken this camel twenty two times to Hajj (pilgrimage to Makka) and had not used a whip against it, not even once. The Imam has said that the camel came after he passed away and we were not aware but we noticed only when one of the servants or slaves came and said, ‘The she-camel has gone out all the way to the grave of Ali ibn al-Husayn, recipient of divine supreme covenant. She rubs her neck against the grave and moans.’ I then asked them to quickly get to her before they (the enemies) might know about her or see her. The Imam has said, the she-camel had never seen the grave before.’”
Grading:Majlisi:Muwaththaq Saheeh (Mirat ul Uqool 6/8)
Hadeeth #3:
3 - عدة من أصحابنا، عن أحمد بن محمد، عن علي بن الحكم، عن مثنى الحناط عن أبي بصير قال: دخلت على أبي جعفر عليه السلام فقلت له: أنتم ورثة رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله؟ قال: نعم، قلت: رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وارث الانبياء، علم كما علموا؟ قال لي: نعم، قلت: فأنتم تقدرون على أن تحيوا الموتى وتبرؤا الاكمه والابرص؟ قال: نعم بإذن الله، ثم قال لي: ادن مني يا أبا محمد فدنوت منه فمسح على وجهي وعلى عيني فابصرت الشمس والسماء والارض والبيوت وكل شئ في البلد(2) ثم قال لي: أتحب أن تكون هكذا ولك ما للناس وعليك ما عليهم يوم القيامة أو تعود كما كنت ولك الجنة خالصا؟ قالت: أعود كما كنت، فمسح على عيني فعدت كما كنت، قال: فحدثت ابن أبي عمير بهذا، فقال أشهد أن هذا حق كما أن النهار حق.
A number of our people have narrated from Ahmad ibn Muhammad from Ali ibn al-Hakam from al-Muthanna al-Hannat from abu Basir who has said the following:
“Once I went to see abu Ja‘far, recipient of divine supreme covenant, and asked him, ‘Are you the heir of the Messenger of Allah?’ He said, ‘Yes, we are his heir.’ I then asked, ‘Was the Messenger of Allah the heir of the prophets and did he know all that they knew?’ He said to me, ‘Yes, it is true.’ I then asked, ‘Do you have the power to bring the dead back to life and cure the lepers, and the blind?’ He said, ‘Yes, we do have such powers by the permission of Allah.’ Then he said to me, ‘Come closer to me, O abu Muhammad.’ I went closer to him and he rubbed my face and my eyes and I saw the sun, the skies, the earth, the houses and all things in the town. Then he asked me, ‘Do you like to live this way, you will have what others have and be responsible for whatever they will be held responsible for on the Day of Judgment or wopuld you like to live as before and have paradise purely?’ I said, ‘I would like to live as I lived before.’ He rubbed my eyes and I found myself as before.’ “I (the narrator) told it to ibn abu ‘Umayr who said, ‘I testify that this is true just as the day is true.’”
Grading:Majlisi:Hasan (Mirat ul Uqool 6/19)
Hadeeth #4:
6 - عدة من أصحابنا، عن أحمد بن محمد، عن علي بن الحكم، عن عبدالله بن المغيرة قال: مر العبد الصالح بامرأة بمنى وهي تبكي وصبيانها حولها يبكون، وقد ماتت لها بقرة، فدنا منها ثم قال لها: ما يبكيك يا أمة الله؟ قالت: يا عبدالله إن لنا صبيانا يتامى وكانت لي بقرة معيشتي ومعيشة صبياني كان منها وقد ماتت و بقيت منقطعا بي وبولدي لا حيلة لنا فقال: يا أمة الله هل لك أن أحييها لك، فالهمت أن قالت نعم يا عبدالله، فتنحى وصلى ركعتين، ثم رفع يده هنيئة وحرك شفتيه، ثم قام فصوت بالبقرة فنخسها نخسة(3) أو ضربها برجله، فاستوت على الارض قائمة، فلما نظرت المرأة إلى البقرة صاحت(4) وقالت: عيسى ابن مريم ورب الكعبة، فخالط الناس وصار بينهم ومضى عليه السلام.
A number of our people have narrated from Ahmad ibn Muhammad from Ali ibn al-Hakam from ‘Abd Allah ibn al-Mughira who has said the following:
“`Abd al-Saalih(as) (Imaam al-Kadhim) once passed by a woman in Mina who was weeping and her children around her also were weeping because her cow was dead. He went close to her and asked, ‘What has caused you to weep O slave of Allah?’ She said, ‘O servant of Allah, we have orphan children. Our cow that was the means for our living has died and we are left without any means of living.’ “He asked, ‘Will you be happy if I will bring your cow back to life?’ She was just inspired to say, ‘Yes, O servant of Allah I will be very happy.’ “He stepped aside and said two Rak‘at prayers. He then raised his hands and gently moved his lips. He then stood up and called the cow to get up. He pushed the cow with his foot or a staff and she was up straight standing. When the woman looked at the cow she cried and said, ‘Jesus, son of Mary, I swear by the Lord of the Ka‘ba (he is Jesus).’ Many people gathered around and he disappeared among them and went.’”
Grading:Majlisi:Saheeh (Mirat ul Uqool 6/66)
Hadeeth #5:
8 - علي بن إبراهيم، عن محمد بن عيسى، عن موسى بن القاسم البجلي، عن علي بن جعفر قال: جاء ني محمد بن إسماعيل(1) وقد اعتمرنا عمرة رجب ونحن يومئذ بمكة، فقال: يا عم إني أريد بغداد وقد أحببت أن اودع عمي أبا الحسن - يعني موسى بن جعفر عليه السلام - وأحببت أن تذهب معي إليه، فخرجت معه نحو أخي وهو في داره التي بالحوبة وذلك بعد المغرب بقليل، فضربت الباب فأجابني أخي فقال: من هذا فقلت: علي، فقال: هوذا أخرج - وكان بطئ الوضوء - فقلت: العجل قال: وأعجل، فخرج وعليه إزار ممشق(2) قد عقده في عنقه حتى قعد تحت عتبة الباب، فقال علي بن جعفر: فانكببت عليه فقبلت رأسه وقلت: قد جئتك في أمر إن تره صوابا فالله وفق له، وإن يكن غير ذلك فما أكثر ما نخطي قال: وما هو؟ قلت: هذا ابن أخيك يريد أن يودعك ويخرج إلى بغداد، فقال لي: ادعه فدعوته وكان متنحيا، فدنا منه فقبل رأسه وقال: جعلت فداك أوصني فقال: اوصيك أن تتقي الله في دمي فقال مجيبا له: من أرادك بسوء فعل الله به وجعل يدعو على من يريده بسوء، ثم عاد فقبل رأسه، فقال: يا عم أوصني فقال: اوصيك أن تتقي الله في دمي فقال: من أرادك بسوء فعل الله به وفعل، ثم عاد فقبل رأسه، ثم قال: يا عم أوصني، فقال: اوصيك أن تتقي الله في دمي فدعا على من أراده بسوء، ثم تنحى عنه ومضيت معه فقال لي أخي: يا علي مكانك فقمت مكاني فدخل منزله، ثم دعاني فدخلت إليه فتناول صرة فيها مائة دينار فأعطانيها وقال: قل لابن أخيك يستعين بها على سره قال علي: فأخذتها فأدرجتها في حاشية ردائي ثم ناولني مائة اخرى وقال: أعطه أيضا، ثم ناولني صرة اخرى وقال: أعطه أيضا فقلت: جعلت فداك إذا كنت تخاف منه مثل الذي ذكرت، فلم تعينه على نفسك؟ فقال: إذا وصلته وقطعني قطع الله أجله، ثم تناول مخدة أدم، فيها ثلاثة آلاف درهم وضح(3) وقال: أعطه هذه أيضا قال: فخرجت إليه فأعطيته المائة الاولى ففرح بها فرحا شديدا ودعا لعمه، ثم أعطيته الثانية والثالثة ففرح بها حتى ظننت أنه سيرجع ولا يخرج، ثم أعطيته الثلاثة آلاف درهم فمضى على وجهه حتى دخل على هارون فسلم عليه بالخلافة وقال: ما ظننت أن في الارض خليفتين حتى رأيت عمي موسى بن جعفر يسلم عليه فالخلافة، فأرسل هارون إليه بمائة ألف درهم فرماه الله بالذبحة(1) فما نظر منها إلى درهم ولا مسه
Ali ibn Ibrahim has narrated from Muhammad ibn ‘Isa from Musa ibn al-Qasim al-Bajali from Ali ibn Ja‘far who has said the following:
“Muhammad ibn ’Isma‘il came to me when we were still in Makka after completing our ‘Umra in the month of Rajab. He said, ‘Uncle, I intend to go to Baghdad but I want to say farewell to my uncle, abu al-Hassan Musa ibn Ja‘far, recipient of divine supreme covenant, and I want you also to come with me.’
“I went with him to my brother (the Imam), recipient of divine supreme covenant, and he was in his house in al-Hawba. It was just after sunset. I knocked at the door and my brother answered the door asking, ‘Who is it?’ I replied, ‘It is Ali.’ He said, ‘I am just coming.’ He would do his Wudu very slowly. I said, ‘Be quick please.’ He said, ‘I will be quick.’ He came out wearing dyed cloths that he had secured around his neck and sat down just below the doorsteps. I (Ali ibn Ja‘far) bowed toward him and kissed his head and said, ‘I have come for a matter to find out if you agree then Allah may grant him success, if you do not agree then it is one of those mistakes that we make.’ He asked, ‘What is it?’ I said, ‘This is the son of your brother. He wants to say farewell to you; he wants to go to Baghdad.’ He said to me, ‘Call him.’ I called him and he had kept some distance. He came close to him and kissed his head and said, ‘May Allah keep my soul in service for your cause, please advise me.’
“The Imam said, ‘I advise you to be pious before Allah and spare my life.’ He in answer said, ‘Whoever has bad intentions toward you, may Allah have the same for him.’ He continued to pray against those who have bad intentions against the Imam. He then kissed the head of the Imam again and said, ‘Please advise me.’ The Imam said, ‘I advise you to be pious before Allah and spare my life.’ “He in answer said, ‘Whoever has bad intentions against you, may Allah have the same for him, and He has already done so.’ He kissed the head of the Imam and said, ‘Please advise me.’ The Imam said, ‘I advise you to be pious before Allah and spare my life.’ He prayed against those having bad intentions against the Imam, and moved away and I left along with him.
“My brother called me and said, ‘O Ali, wait where you are.’ I waited. He went inside and then called me inside. I went inside and he gave me a bag with a hundred Dinars in it and said, ‘Tell your nephew to use it during his journey.’
“I (the narrator) secured the money in my dress and he gave me another hundred Dinars to give to him also and then he gave me one more bag to give to him. I said, ‘May Allah keep my soul in service for your cause, ‘When you are afraid of him so much then why do you give him all this money and why do you support him against your own self?’ “He said, ‘If I maintain good relations with him and he cuts off such relationships Allah will cut his life short.’ Then he gave to me a pillow with three hundred pure Dirhams (units of money) in it and asked to also give it to him. The narrator has said, ‘I then left and gave him the first one hundred. He became extremely happy and prayed for his uncle. I then gave him the other money and he became so happy that I thought he might not want anymore to go to Baghdad. I then gave him all the Dirhams and he left for Baghdad. He greeted Harun as the Caliph and said, ‘I did not think that there could be two Caliphs on earth at the same time. I also saw my uncle Musa ibn Ja‘far being greeted as the Caliph.’
“Harun sent him one hundred thousand Dirhams. He fell sick with Diphtheria or scrofulous and died before seeing or touching any of the money.”
Grading:Majlisi:Saheeh (Mirat ul Uqool 6/68)
Hadeeth #6:
27 - محمد بن يحيى، عن أحمد بن إسحاق قال: دخلت على أبي محمد عليه السلام فسألته أن يكتب لانظر إلى خطه فأعرفه إذا ورد، فقال: نعم، ثم قال: يا أحمد إن الخط سيختلف عليك من بين القلم الغليظ إلى القلم الدقيق فلا تشكن، ثم دعا بالدواة فكتب وجعل يستمد إلى مجرى الدواة فقلت في نفسي وهو يكتب: أستوهبه القلم الذي كتب به، فلما فرغ من الكتابة أقبل يحدثني وهو يمسح القلم بمنديل الدواة ساعة، ثم قال: هاك يا أحمد فناولنيه، فقلت: جعلت فداك إني مغتم لشئ يصيبني في نفسي وقد أردت أن أسأل أباك فلم يقض لي ذلك، فقال: وما هو يا أحمد؟ فقلت: يا سيدي روي لنا عن آبائك أن نوم الانبياء على أقفيتهم ونوم المؤمنين على أيمانهم ونوم المنافقين على شمائلهم ونوم الشياطين على وجوههم، فقال عليه السلام كذلك هو، فقلت: يا سيدي فإني أجهد أن أنام علي يميني فما يمكنني ولا يأخذني النوم عليها، فكست ساعة ثم قال: يا أحمد ادن مني فدنوت منه فقال: أدخل يدك تحت ثيابك فأدخلتها فاخرج يده من تحت ثيابه وأدخلها تحت ثيابي، فمسح بيده اليمنى على جانبي الايسر وبيده اليسرى على جانبي الايمن ثلاث مرات، فقال أحمد: فما أقدر أن أنام على يساري منذ فعل ذلك بي عليه السلام وما يأخذني نوم عليها أصلا.
Muhammad ibn Yahya has narrated from Ahmad ibn Ishaq who has said the following:
“Once I went to see abu Muhammad, recipient of divine supreme covenant, and asked him to write for me few lines so that whenever I see his handwriting I can recognize it. The Imam said, ‘Yes,’ and then said, ‘O Ahmad the writing with a fine pen and with thick pen will look different to you. Do not have doubts He then asked for a pen and inkpot and began writing. He made the pen to have ink from the bottom of the inkpot. I thought to myself when he was writing, ‘I will request him to gift me the pen with which he is writing.’ When he finished writing he turned to me and began speaking while he was wiping the pen with the handkerchief of the inkpot for a while and then said, ‘Here, O Ahmad it is for you.’ He gave it to me. I then said, ‘May Allah keep my soul in service for your cause, I feel sad about something that is in my soul. I wanted to ask your father about it but I did not have the chance.’ He asked, ‘What is it, O Ahmad?’ I said, ‘My master, it is narrated to us from your holy ancestors that the prophets sleep on their backs, the true believers sleep on their right side, the hypocrites sleep on their left side and Satans sleep on their belly.’ He, recipient of divine supreme covenant, said, ‘That is how it is.’ I then said, ‘My master I struggle to sleep on my right side but I cannot do so and
I cannot go to sleep on my right side.’ He remained calm for a while and then said, ‘O Ahmad, come close to me.’ I went close to him and he said, ‘Place your hand under your clothes.’ I did so. He then took his hand from under his clothes and placed under my clothes. He wiped with his right hand my left side and with his left hand my right side three times. Ahmad has said that ever since I have not been able to sleep on my left side and cannot go to sleep on my left side.’”
Grading:Majlisi:Saheeh (Mirat ul Uqool 6/169)
Hadeeth #7:
1- حدثنا محمد بن الحسن بن أحمد بن الوليد رضي اللهعنه قال حدثنا محمد بن
الحسن الصفار و سعد بن عبدالله جميعا عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن الحسن بن علي بن يقطين عن أخيه الحسين عنأبيه علي بن يقطين قال استدعى الرشيد رجلا يبطل به أمر أبي الحسن موسى بن جعفر ( ع ) ويقطعه و يخجله في المسجد فانتدب له رجل معزم فلما أحضرت المائدة عمل ناموسا علىالخبز فكان كلما رام أبو الحسن ( ع ) تناول رغيف من الخبز طار من بين يديه و استفز منهارون الفرح و الضحك لذلك فلم يلبث أبو الحسن ( ع ) أن رفع رأسه إلى أسد مصور على بعضالستور فقال له يا أسد خذ عدو الله قال فوثبت تلك الصورة كأعظم ما يكون من السباعفافترست ذلك المعزم فخر هارون و ندماؤه على وجوههم مغشيا عليهم فطارت عقولهم خوفامن هول ما رأوه فلما أفاقوا من ذلك قال هارون لأبي الحسن ( ع ) سألتك بحقي عليك لماسألت الصورة أن ترد الرجل فقال إن كانت عصا موسى ردت ما ابتلعته من حبال القوم وعصيهم فأن هذه الصورة ترد ما ابتلعته من هذا الرجل فكان ذلك أعمل الأشياء في إفاتةنفسه
Muhammad ibn Al-Hassan ibn Ahmad ibn al-Waleed – may God be pleased with him – narrated that Muhammad ibn Al-Hassan al-Saffar and Sa’d ibn Abdullah quoted on the authority of Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Isa, on the authority of Al-Hassan ibn Ali ibn Yaqteen, on the authority of his brother Al-Hussein, on the authority of his father Ali ibn Yaqteen,who said:
“Harun Ar-Rashid was looking for someone who could make fun of Abil Hassan Musa ibn Ja’far (s), belittle him and defeat him in arguments in a meeting. A magician volunteered to do so. When they spread the table to eat, the magician put a spell on the bread so that whenever Abul Hassan wanted to grab a piece of bread to eat, it would fly away from his hands. Harun was very pleased and laughed a lot at this. Then Abul Hassan turned to the picture of a lion which was on a portrait and said, “O Lion! Seize this enemy of God!” The narrator of the tradition added, “Then the picture of the lion turned into a big lion, jumped on the magician, and tore him up.”
Then Harun and all his companions who were present were watching got scared, fainted and fell down. When they regained consciousness, Harun told Abil Hassan (s), “I beg you by the right I have over you to ask the picture to return that man.” Then the Imam (s) said, “If the Cane of Moses (s) returned the canes and the ropes which it swallowed, this picture will also return that man.” The narrator of this tradition added, “This was one of the most important reasons why the Imam (s) was martyred.”
Grading:Wahid Khorasani:"Saheeh" (Muqaddimah fi usool al-din,Pg 407)
Hadeeth #8:
6- حدثنا أحمد بن زياد بن جعفر الهمداني رضي الله عنه قال حدثنا علي بن إبراهيم عن أبيه عن عبد السلام بن صالح الهروي قال سمعت دعبل بن علي الخزاعي يقول أنشدت مولاي الرضا علي بن موسى عليه السلام قصيدتي التي أولها.
مدارس آيات خلت من تلاوة ومنزل وحي مقفر العرصات
فلما انتهيت إلى قولي خروج إمام لا محالة خارج يقوم على اسم الله والبركاتيميز فينا كل حق وباطل ويجزي على النعماء والنقمات بكى الرضا عليه السلام بكاء شديدا ثم رفع رأسه إلي فقال لي يا خزاعي نطق روح القدس على لسانك بهذين البيتين فهل تدري من هذا الإمام ومتى يقوم فقلت لا يا مولاي إلا أني سمعت بخروج إمام منكم يطهر الأرض من الفساد ويملؤها عدلا كما ملئت جورا فقال يا دعبل الإمام بعدي محمد ابني وبعد محمد ابنه علي وبعد علي ابنه الحسن وبعد الحسن ابنه الحجة القائم المنتظر في غيبته المطاع في ظهوره لو لم يبق من الدنيا إلا يوم واحد لطول الله عز وجل ذلك اليوم حتى يخرج فيملأ الأرض عدلا كما ملئت جورا وأما متى فإخبار عن الوقت فقد حدثني أبي عن أبيه عن آبائه عليهم السلام أن النبي صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم قيل له يا رسول الله متى يخرج القائم من ذريتك فقال عليه السلام مثله مثل الساعة التي (لا يُجَلِّيها لِوَقْتِها إِلَّا هُوَ ثَقُلَتْ فِي السَّماواتِ والْأَرْضِ لا تَأْتِيكُمْ إِلَّا بَغْتَةً) ولدعبل بن علي الخزاعي رضي الله عنه خبر آخر أحببت إيراده على أثر هذا الحديث الذي مضى حدثنا أحمد بن علي بن إبراهيم بن هاشم رضي الله عنه عن أبيه عن جده إبراهيم بن هاشم عن عبد السلام بن صالح الهروي قال دخل دعبل بن علي الخزاعي رضي الله عنه على أبي الحسن علي بن موسى الرضا عليه السلام بمرو فقال له يا ابن رسول الله إني قد قلت فيكم قصيدة وآليت على نفسي أن لا أنشدها أحدا قبلك فقال عليه السلام هاتها فأنشدها مدارس آيات خلت من تلاوة ومنزل وحي مقفر العرصات فلما بلغ إلى قوله.
أرى فيئهم في غيرهم متقسما وأيديهم من فيئهم صفرات بكى أبو الحسن الرضا عليه السلام وقال صدقت يا خزاعي فلما بلغ إلى قوله إذا وتروا مدوا إلى واتريهم أكفا عن الأوتار منقبضات جعل أبو الحسن عليه السلام يقلب كفيه وهو يقول أجل والله منقبضات فلما بلغ إلى قوله لقد خفت في الدنيا وأيام سعيها وإني لأرجو الأمن بعد وفاتي قال له الرضا عليه السلام آمنك الله يوم الفزع الأكبر فلما انتهى إلى قوله و قبر ببغداد لنفس زكية تضمنه الرحمن في الغرفات قال له الرضا عليه السلام أ فلا ألحق لك بهذا الموضع بيتين بهما تمام قصيدتك فقال بلى يا ابن رسول الله فقال عليه السلام وقبر بطوس يا لها من مصيبة توقد في الأحشاء بالحرقاتإلى الحشر حتى يبعث الله قائما يفرج عنا الهم والكربات فقال دعبل يا ابن رسول الله هذا القبر الذي بطوس قبر من هو فقال الرضا عليه السلام قبري ولا تنقضي الأيام والليالي حتى تصير طوس مختلف شيعتي وزواري في غربتي ألا فمن زارني في غربتي بطوس كان معي في درجتي يوم القيامة مغفورا له ثم نهض الرضا عليه السلام بعد فراغ دعبل من إنشاده القصيدة وأمره أن لا يبرح من موضعه فدخل الدار فلما كان بعد ساعة خرج الخادم إليه بمائة دينار رضوية فقال له يقول لك مولاي اجعلها في نفقتك فقال دعبل والله ما لهذا جئت ولا قلت هذه القصيدة طمعا في شيء يصل إلي ورد الصرة وسأل ثوبا من ثياب الرضا عليه السلام ليتبرك به ويتشرف فأنفذ إليه الرضا عليه السلام جبة خز مع الصرة وقال للخادم قل له يقول لك مولاي خذ هذه الصرة فإنك ستحتاج إليها ولا تراجعني فيها فأخذ دعبل الصرة والجبة وانصرف وسار من مرو في قافلة فلما بلغ ميان قوهان وقع عليهم اللصوص وأخذوا القافلة بأسرها وكتفوا أهلها وكان دعبل فيمن كتف وملك اللصوص القافلة وجعلوا يقسمونها بينهم فقال رجل من القوم متمثلا بقول دعبل من قصيدته أرى فيئهم في غيرهم متقسما وأيديهم من فيئهم صفرات فسمعه دعبل فقال له لمن هذا البيت فقال له لرجل من خزاعة يقال له دعبل بن علي فقال له دعبل فأنا دعبل بن علي قائل هذه القصيدة التي منها هذا البيت فوثب الرجل إلى رئيسهم وكان يصلي على رأس تل وكان من الشيعة فأخبره فجاء بنفسه حتى وقف على دعبل قال له أنت دعبل فقال نعم فقال له أنشد القصيدة فأنشدها فحل كتافه وكتاف جميع أهل القافلة ورد إليهم جميع ما أخذ منهم لكرامة دعبل وسار دعبل حتى وصل إلى قم فسأله أهل قم أن ينشدهم القصيدة فأمرهم أن يجتمعوا في مسجد الجامع فلما اجتمعوا صعد دعبل المنبر فأنشدهم القصيدة فوصله الناس من المال والخلع بشيء كثير واتصل بهم خبر الجبة فسألوه أن يبيعها منهم بألف دينار فامتنع من ذلك فقالوا له فبعنا شيئا منها بألف دينار فأبى عليهم وسار عن قم فلما خرج من رستاق البلد لحق به قوم من أحداث العرب فأخذوا الجبة منه فرجع دعبل إلى قم فسألهم رد الجبة عليه فامتنع الأحداث من ذلك وعصوا المشايخ في أمرها وقالوا لدعبل لا سبيل لك إلى الجبة فخذ ثمنها ألف دينار فأبى عليهم فلما يئس من رد الجبة عليه سألهم أن يدفعوا إليه شيئا منها فأجابوه إلى ذلك فأعطوه بعضها ودفعوا إليه ثمن باقيها ألف دينار وانصرف دعبل إلى وطنه فوجد اللصوص قد أخذوا جميع ما كان له في منزله فباع المائة دينار التي كان الرضا عليه السلام وصله بها من الشيعة كل دينار بمائة درهم فحصل في يده عشرة آلاف درهم فتذكر قول الرضا عليه السلام إنك ستحتاج إليها وكانت له جارية لها من قلبه محل فرمدت رمدا عظيما فأخل أهل الطب عليها فنظروا إليها فقالوا أما العين اليمنى فليس لنا فيها حيلة وقد ذهبت وأما اليسرى فنحن نعالجها ونجتهد ونرجو أن تسلم فاغتم دعبل لذلك غما شديدا وجزع عليها جزعا عظيما ثم إنه ذكر ما معه من فضلة الجبة فمسحها على عيني الجارية وعصبها بعصابة منها من أول الليل فأصبحت وعيناها أصح مما كانتا وكأنه ليس لها أثر مرض قط ببركة مولانا أبي الحسن الرضا عليه السلام.
6 - Narrated to us Ahmad ibn Ziyad ibn Ja’far al-Hamadani - may God be pleased with him from Ali bin Ibrahim bin Hashim (r.a.): from his father from Ibrahim bin Hashim from Abdus Salam bin Salih Harawi that: Dibil bin Ali Khuzai came to Abil Hasan Ali bin Musa ar-Reza (a.s.) in Merv and said to him:
“O son of Allah’s Messenger, I have composed a panegyric in your honor and I vowed that I will not recite it to anyone before you. The Imam said: Recite it for me. And he recited as follows:
Schools of verses empty of recitations
And the House of revelation horrendously empty.
When I reached the verse:
Their property has been distributed to others
Their hands are empty of their own wealth.
Imam Ali Reza (a.s.) began to weep and said: O Dibil you have said the truth. When Dibil reached to the verse:
When they are being oppressed they stretch to the enemies
Their hands which cannot hold the bow.
Imam Ali Reza (a.s.) began to rub his hands and then said: By Allah my hands are tied. When Dibil reached to the verse:
Indeed I am fearful of the world and the changing times
Thus I hope in peace and security after my death.
Imam Ali Reza (a.s.) said: O Dibil, May Allah keep you in His protection till the Judgment Day. When Dibil recited the last verse of the panegyric:
There is a tomb of a purified personality in Baghdad
Whom Allah has given place in the gardens of Paradise.
Imam Ali Reza (a.s.) said: O Dibil, would it not be better if you add the following two verses at the end of your panegyric? Dibil said: Indeed, O son of Allah’s Messenger. The Imam recited:
And a tomb shall be made in Tus by whose tragedy
The inner portion of the body will be scorched.
And this will continue till the resurrection till Allah sends a Qaim
Through him would He remove the calamities from us.
Dibil asked: O son of Allah’s Messenger, whose tomb would be made at Tus? The Imam said: Mine. I would soon move to Tus where my tomb will become a place of visitation for my Shias. Thus one who visits me in my isolation in Tus, he shall be with me on the Judgment Day and he shall get salvation.
After listening to the verses of Dibil Imam Ali Reza (a.s.) went home. A servant of the Imam came to Dibil with a hundred dinars minted in the Imam’s name and said: The Imam has sent these for your traveling expenses. Dibil said: I don’t need it and neither did I compose the panegyric for monetary gain. But I beseech the Imam to give me a cloth he has worn so that it be a blessing and
honor for me. The Imam sent a gown to Dibil and also gave him the dinars saying that he would need them. Dibil took all the things and departed along with a caravan of Merv. When the caravan camped at Qauhan they were attacked by robbers who looted everything and took the travelers as hostages. Then they began to divide the loot among themselves. One of the robbers hummed the following verse of Dibil:
Their property has been distributed to others
Their hands are empty of their own wealth.
Dibil asked him: Whose verse is it? He replied: A person of the Khuzai tribe, a person called Dibil bin Ali. Dibil said: I am the same Dibil who has compose these verses. That robber took Dibil to his leader who was praying on top of a mound and he was from the Shias. When he informed the leader he himself came down to meet Dibil. He asked: Are you Dibil? Dibil said: Yes. He said: Recite that panegyric. He recited it. The robbers released all the hostages and returned with respect everything they had looted. When Dibil reached Qom it was announced that he would recite the panegyric composed by him in the mosque. A time was fixed and people gathered in the Jame mosque. Dibil mounted the pulpit and presented the panegyric. People gifted him in cash and kind. When they came to know that Dibil had a gown of Imam Ali Reza (a.s.) they offered a thousand dinars for the same but he refused. They said: Give us a piece from this gown for a thousand dinars. But Dibil refused and he departed from Qom. He has hardly left the Qom area when a desert tribe attacked and looted the Imam’s gown also. Dibil came back and demanded them to return it, but they refused. They asked for a ransom of 8000 dinars but Dibil refused. At last when Dibil became helpless he told them to give only a piece from this gown. So they gave him a piece of gown and also gave him 8000 dinars. Dibil returned to his hometown but on the way dacoits surrounded him and looted everything he had. He was left with only a hundred dinars that the Imam had given. Dibil converted these into 10000 dirhams. At that time he remembered the Imam’s statement that he would need that money. Dibil was also accompanied by a maidservant who was seriously ill. The doctors said that her right eye was lost, but it was possible to cure the left eye. Dibil was shocked and wept much. Then he remembered that he was having a piece of that gown. In the early evening Dibil rubbed that piece of cloth against the maid’s eyes and by the morning next both her eyes were cured and by the blessings of Maula Abul Hasan (a.s.) even the signs of disease did not remain.”
Grading:Sheikh Asif Muhsini: "Mo'tabar" (Masharat Behar al-Anwar 2/214)
Hadeeth #9:
5 - محمد بن يحيى، عن أحمد بن محمد، عن ابن محبوب عن علي بن رئاب، عن أبي عبيدة وزرارة جميعا، عن أبي جعفر (عليه السلام) قال: لما قتل الحسين (عليه السلام) أرسل محمد بن الحنفية إلى علي بن الحسين (عليهما السلام) فخلا به فقال له: يا ابن أخي قد علمت أن رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله) دفع الوصية والامامة من بعده إلى أمير المؤمنين (عليه السلام) ثم إلى الحسن (عليه السلام)، ثم إلى الحسين (عليه السلام) وقد قتل أبوك رضي الله عنه وصلي على روحه ولم يوص، وأنا عمك وصنو أبيك وولادتي من علي (عليه السلام) في سني وقديمي أحق بها منك في حداثتك، فلا تنازعني في الوصية والامامة ولا تحاجني، فقال له علي بن الحسين (عليه السلام): يا عم اتق الله ولا تدع ما ليس لك بحق إني أعظك أن تكون من الجاهلين، إن أبي يا عم صلوات الله عليه أوصى إلي قبل أن يتوجه إلى العراق وعهد إلي في ذلك قبل أن يستشهد بساعة، وهذا سلاح رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله) عندي، فلا تتعرض لهذا، فإني أخاف عليك نقص العمر وتشتت الحال، إن الله عزوجل جعل الوصية والامامة في عقب الحسين (عليه السلام) فإذا اردت أن تعلم ذلك فانطلق بنا إلى الحجر الاسود حتى نتحاكم إليه ونسأله عن ذلك قال أبوجعفر (عليه السلام): وكان الكلام بينهما بمكة، فانطلقا حتى أتيا الحجر الاسود، فقال علي بن الحسين لمحمد بن الحنفية: ابدأ أنت فابتهل إلى الله عزوجل وسله أن ينطق لك الحجر ثم سل، فابتهل محمد في الدعاء وسأل الله ثم دعا الحجر فلم يجبه، فقال علي بن الحسين (عليهما السلام): يا عم لو كنت وصيا وإماما لاجابك، قال له محمد: فادع الله أنت يا ابن أخي وسله، فدعا الله علي بن الحسين (عليهما السلام) بما أراد ثم قال: أسألك بالذي جعل فيك ميثاق الانبياء وميثاق الاوصياء وميثاق الناس أجمعين لما أخبرتنا من الوصي و الامام بعد الحسين بن علي (عليه السلام)؟ قال: فتحرك الحجر حتى كاد ان يزول عن موضعه، ثم أنطقه الله عزوجل بلسان عربي مبين، فقال: اللهم إن الوصية والامامة بعد الحسين ابن علي (عليهما السلام) إلى علي بن الحسين بن علي بن أبي طالب وابن فاطمة بنت رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله) قال: فانصرف محمد بن علي وهو يتولى علي بن الحسين (عليه السلام).
علي بن إبراهيم، عن أبيه، عن حماد بن عيسى، عن حريز، عن زرارة، عن أبي جعفر (عليه السلام) مثله
Muhammad ibn Yahya has narrated from Ahmad ibn Muhammad from ibn Mahbub from Ali ibn Ri’ab from abu ‘Ubayda and Zurara from abu Ja'far (a.s.) who has said the following:
"When al-Husayn (a.s.) was martyred, Muhammad ibn al-Hanafiya asked Ali ibn al-Husayn(a.s.) for a private meeting. In the meeting he said, "O son of my brother, you know that the Messenger of Allah (s.a) delivered the task of al-Wasiyya, (the executor-ship of the will) and al-Imamat, (Leadership with Divine Authority) thereafter it was delivered to al-Hassan (a.s.) and then to al-Husayn (a.s.). Your father, may Allah be pleased with him has been murdered, may Allah grant blessing up on his soul, and he did make any will. I am your uncle and equal in status to your father and I am a son of Ali (a.s.). Because of being older in age I am more deserving of the the position of Imamat considering that you are younger than me. Therefore, you should not dispute with me about al-Wasiyya, the will and Imamat, leadership and should argue with me about it." Ali ibn al-Husayn (a.s.) said, "O uncle, be pious before Allah and do not claim in what you have no right. I advise not to be of the ignorant people. In fact, my father (Hussain) (a.s.), O my uncle, appointed me as the executor of his will before his leaving for Iraq. He made such covenant with me just an hour before his becoming a martyr. This is the Armament of the Messenger of Allah with me. You then should not dislocate them. I am afraid for you of a shorter life and quandary of conditions. Allah, the Most Majestic, the Most gracious, has placed al-Wasiyya, and Imamat in the descendants of al-Husayn (a.s.). If you would like to know it we can go near the Blackstone and fro judgment and ask it about the issue." Abu Ja'far (a.s.) has said that the issue came up between them in Makka and they went near the Blackstone. Ali ibn al-Husayn (a.s.) said to Muhammad al-Hanafiya, "You begin first and pray to Allah, the Most Majestic, the Most gracious, and ask Him to make the Blackstone speak to you and then ask your question." Muhammad then pleaded in his prayer and asked Allah and then ask the Blackstone about the disputed issue but there was no answer. Ali ibn al-Husayn (a.s.) said, "O uncle, had you been the Executor of the will and the Imam it would have answered your question. Muhammad then said, "Now you pray to Allah, O son of my brother and ask your question. Alin ibn al-Husayn (a.s.) prayed to Allah for what he wanted then addressing the Blackstone said, "I ask you for the sake of the One Who placed the covenant of the prophets in you, as well as the covenant of the executors of the will and the covenant of all the peole. You must tell us who the Wasiyy and Imam after al-Husayn (a.s.)?" The narrator has said that the Blackstone began to shake so much that it almost camme out of its place. Allah, the Most Majestic, the Most gracious, then made it to speak in clear Arabic language and said, "O Lord, al-Wasiyya and Imamat after al-Husayn (a.s.) ibn Ali is for Ali ibn al-Husayn ibn Ali aibn abu Talib and ibn Fatima (a.s.) daughter of the the Messenger of Allah." The narrator has said that Muhammad Ali (a.s.) returned back and he acknowledged Ali ibn al-Husayn (a.s.) to be his Wali (Leadership with Divine Authority)."
Grading: Majlisi:"Saheeh" (Mirat ul Uqool 4/84)
Hadeeth #10:
378 - علي بن إبراهيم، عن أبيه، عن ابن أبي عمير، عن معاوية بن عمار، عن أبي عبد الله (عليه السلام) أن رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله) لما خرج من الغار متوجها إلى المدينة وقد كانت قريش جعلت لمن أخذه مائة من الإبل، فخرج سراقة بن مالك بن جعشم فيمن يطلب فلحق برسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله) فقال: رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله): اللهم اكفني شر سراقة بما شئت فساخت (1) قوائم فرسه فثنى رجله ثم اشتد فقال: يا محمد إني علمت أن الذي أصاب قوائم فرسي إنما هو من قبلك فادع الله أن يطلق لي فرسي فلعمري إن لم يصبكم (2) مني خير لم يصبكم مني شر، فدعا رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله) فأطلق الله عز وجل فرسه فعاد في طلب رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله) حتى فعل ذلك ثلاث مرات كل ذلك يدعو رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله) فتأخذ الأرض قوائم فرسه فلما أطلقه في الثالثة قال: يا محمد هذه إبلي بين يديك فيها غلامي فإن احتجت إلى ظهر أو لبن فخذ منه وهذا سهم من كنانتي علامة وأنا أرجع فأرد عنك الطلب، فقال: لا حاجة لنا فيما عندك.
has said:
Abu Abdullah(as) said: ‘When the Rasool Allah(sawas) came out of the cave, he turned his direction towards Al-Medina, and the Qureysh had placed a reward of one hundred camels for anyone who could capture him. So Suraqat Bin Malik Bin Jo’sham went out in search. He met up with the Rasool Allah(sawas). So the Rasool Allah(sawas) said: ‘Our Allah! Suffice me from the evil of Suraqat by whatever You so Desire to’.So the legs of his horse bent and got stuck in the soil. He said, ‘O Muhammad(sawas)! I know that you are the one who made the legs of my horse to be stuck, so call upon Allah that He should Release my horse. If you do not face goodness from me, you will not face evil from me either’. So the Rasool Allah(sawas) supplicated and Allah Mighty and Majestic Released his horse. So he went back in pursuit of Rasool Allah(sawas), until he did that three times during each of which theRasool Allah(sawas) supplicated and the earth grabbed the legs of his horse. So when it was Released for the third time, he said, ‘O Muhammad(sawas)! This is my camel in front of you along with my slave. So if you need to ride upon it or its milk, so take from it. And this is an arrow from my quiver as a sign, and I am returning and will not be pursuing you’. So he said: ‘There is no need for us with regards to what is in your possession’.
Grading: Majlisi:"Hasan" (Mirat ul Uqool 26/255)
Hadeeth #11:
Hadeeth #11:
1- حدثنا محمد بن علي ماجيلويه و محمد بن موسى المتوكل و أحمد بن زياد بن جعفر الهمداني و أحمد بن إبراهيم بن هاشم و الحسين بن إبراهيم بن تاتانة و الحسين بن إبراهيم بن أحمد بن هشام المؤدب و علي بن عبد الله الوراق رضي الله عنهم قالوا حدثنا علي بن إبراهيم بن هاشم عن أبيه عن أبي الصلت الهروي قال بينا أنا واقف بين يدي أبي الحسن علي بن موسى الرضا (ع) إذ قال لي يا أبا الصلت ادخل هذه القبة التي فيها قبر هارون و ائتني بتراب من أربعة جوانبها قال فمضيت فأتيت به فلما مثلت بين يديه فقال لي ناولني هذا التراب و هو من عند الباب فناولته فأخذه و شمه ثم رمى به ثم قال سيحفر لي هاهنا فتظهر صخرة لو جمع عليها كل معول بخراسان لم يتهيأ قلعها ثم قال في الذي عند الرجل و الذي عند الرأس مثل ذلك ثم قال ناولني هذا التراب فهو من تربتي ثم قال سيحفر لي في هذا الموضع فتامرهم أن يحفروا لي سبع مراقي إلى أسفل و أن يشق لي ضريحة فإن أبوا إلا أن يلحدوا فتامرهم أن يجعلوا اللحد ذراعين و شبرا فإن الله سيوسعه ما يشاء فإذا فعلوا ذلك فإنك ترى عند رأسي نداوة فتكلم بالكلام الذي أعلمك فإنه ينبع الماء حتى يمتلئ اللحد و ترى فيه حيتانا صغارا ففت لها الخبز الذي أعطيك فإنها تلتقطه فإذا لم يبق منه شيء خرجت منه حوتة كبيرة تقطت الحيتان الصغار حتى لا يبقى منها شيء ثم تغيب فإذا غابت فضع يدك على الماء ثم تكلم بالكلام الذي أعلمك فإنه ينضب الماء لا يبقى منه و لا تفعل ذلك إلا بحضرة المأمون ثم قال (ع) يا أبا الصلت غدا أدخل على هذا الفاجر فإن أنا خرجت و أنا مكشوف الرأس فتكلم أكلمك و إن أنا خرجت و أنا مغطى الرأس فلا تكلمني قال أبو الصلت فلما أصبحنا من الغد لبس ثيابه و جلس فجعل في محرابه ينتظر فبينما هو كذلك إذ دخل عليه غلام المأمون فقال له أجب أمير المؤمنين فلبس نعله و رداءه و قام يمشي و أنا أتبعه حتى دخل المأمون و بين يديه طبق عليه عنب و أطباق فاكهة و بيده عنقود عنب قد أكل بعضه و بقي بعضه فلما أبصر بالرضا (ع) وثب إليه فعانقه و قبل ما بين عينيه و أجلسه معه ثم ناوله العنقود و قال يا ابن رسول الله ما رأيت عنبا أحسن من هذا فقال له الرضا (ع) ربما كان عنبا حسنا يكون من الجنة فقال له كل منه فقال له الرضا (ع) تعفيني منه فقال لا بد من ذلك و ما يمنعك منه لعلك تتهمنا بشيء فتناول العنقود فأكل منه ثم ناوله فأكل منه الرضا (ع) ثلاث حبات ثم رمى به و قام فقال المأمون إلى أين فقال إلى حيث وجهتني فخرج (ع) مغطى الرأس فلم أكلمه حتى دخل الدار فأمر أن يغلق الباب فغلق ثم نام (ع) على فراشه و مكثت واقفا في صحن الدار مهموما محزونا فبينما أنا كذلك إذ دخل علي شاب حسن الوجه قطط الشعر أشبه الناس بالرضا (ع) فبادرت إليه فقلت له من أين دخلت و الباب مغلق فقال الذي جاء بي من المدينة في هذا الوقت هو الذي أدخلني الدار و الباب مغلق فقلت له و من أنت فقال لي أنا حجة الله عليك يا أبا الصلت أنا محمد بن علي ثم مضى نحو أبيه (ع) فدخل و أمرني بالدخول معه فلما نظر إليه الرضا (ع) وثب إليه فعانقه و ضمه إلى صدره و قبل ما بين عينيه ثم سحبه سحبا إلى فراشه و أكب عليه محمد بن علي (ع) يقبله و يساره بشيء لم أفهمه و رأيت على شفتي الرضا (ع) زبدا أشد بياضا من الثلج و رأيت أبا جعفر (ع) يلحسه بلسانه ثم أدخل يده بين ثوبيه و صدره فاستخرج منه شيئا شبيها بالعصفور فابتلعه أبو جعفر (ع) و مضى الرضا (ع) فقال أبو جعفر (ع) قم يا أبا الصلت ايتني بالمغتسل و الماء . من الخزانة فقلت ما في الخزانة مغتسل و لا ماء و قال لي ايته إلى ما آمرك به فدخلت الخزانة فإذا فيها مغتسل و ماء فأخرجته و شمرت ثيابي لأغسله فقال لي تنح يا أبا الصلت فإن لي من يعينني غيرك فغسله ثم قال لي ادخل الخزانة فاخرج إلي السفط الذي فيه كفنه و حنوطه فدخلت فإذا أنا بسفط لم أره في تلك الخزانة قط فحملته إليه فكفنه و صلى عليه ثم قال لي ايتني بالتابوت فقلت أمضي إلى النجار حتى يصلح التابوت قال قم فإن في الخزانة تابوتا فدخلت الخزانة فوجدت تابوتا لم أره قط فأتيته به فأخذ الرضا (ع) بعد ما صلى عليه فوضعه في التابوت و صف قدميه و صلى ركعتين لم يفرغ منهما حتى علا التابوت و انشق السقف فخرج منه التابوت و مضى فقلت يا ابن رسول الله الساعة يجيئنا المأمون و يطالبنا بالرضا (ع) فما نصنع فقال لي اسكت فإنه سيعود يا أبا الصلت ما من نبي يموت بالمشرق و يموت وصيه بالمغرب إلا جمع الله بين أرواحهما و أجسادهما و ما أتم الحديث حتى انشق السقف و نزل التابوت فقام (ع) فاستخرج الرضا (ع) من التابوت و وضعه على فراشه كأنه لم يغسل و لم يكفن ثم قال لي يا أبا الصلت قم فافتح الباب للمأمون ففتحت الباب فإذا المأمون و الغلمان بالباب فدخل باكيا حزينا قد شق جيبه و لطم رأسه و هو يقول يا سيداه فجعت بك يا سيدي ثم دخل فجلس عند رأسه و قال خذوا في تجهيزه فأمر بحفر القبر فحفرت الموضع فظهر كل شيء على ما وصفه الرضا (ع) فقال له بعض جلسائه أ لست تزعم أنه إمام فقال بلى لا يكون الإمام إلا مقدم الناس فأمر أن يحفر له في القبلة فقلت له أمرني أن يحفر له سبع مراقي و أن أشق له ضريحه فقال انتهوا إلى ما يأمر به أبو الصلت سوى الضريح و لكن يحفر له و يلحد فلما رأى ما ظهر له من النداوة و الحيتان و غير ذلك قال المأمون لم يزل الرضا (ع) يرينا عجائبه في حياته حتى أراناها بعد وفاته أيضا فقال له وزير كان معه أ تدري ما أخبرك به الرضا (ع) قال لا قال إنه قد أخبرك أن ملككم يا بني العباس مع كثرتكم و طول مدتكم مثل هذه الحيتان حتى إذا فنيت آجالكم و انقطعت آثاركم و ذهبت دولتكم سلط الله تعالى عليكم رجلا منا فأفناكم عن آخركم قال له صدقت ثم قال لي يا أبا الصلت علمني الكلام الذي تكلمت به قلت و الله لقد نسيت الكلام من ساعتي و قد كنت صدقت فأمر بحبسي و دفن الرضا (ع) فحبست سنة فضاق علي الحبس و سهرت الليلة و دعوت الله تبارك و تعالى بدعاء ذكرت فيه محمدا و آل محمد (ص) و سألت الله بحقهم أن يفرج عني فما استتم دعائي حتى دخل علي أبو جعفر محمد بن علي (ع) فقال لي يا أبا الصلت ضاق صدرك فقلت إي و الله قال قم فأخرجني ثم ضرب يده إلى القيود التي كانت علي ففكها و أخذ بيدي و أخرجني من الدار و الحرسة و الغلمان يرونني فلم يستطيعوا أن يكلموني و خرجت من باب الدار ثم قال لي امض في ودائع الله فإنك لن تصل إليه و لا يصل إليك أبدا فقال أبو الصلت فلم ألتق المأمون إلى هذا الوقت .
Muhammad ibn Ali al-Majilawayh, Muhammad ibn Musa ibn al-Mutawakkil, Ahmad ibn Ziyad ibn Ja’far al-Hamadani, Ahmad ibn Ali ibn Ibrahim ibn Hashem, Al-Hussein ibn Ibrahim ibn Tatana, Al-Hussein ibn Ibrahim ibn Ahmad ibn Hisham al-Mo’addib, and Ali ibn Abdullah al-Warraq - may God be pleased with them - narrated that Ali ibn Ibrahim ibn Hashem quoted on the authority of his father that Abi Salt al-Harawi said:
“I was standing in front of Abil Hassan Ali ibn Musa Al-Reza (s) when he told me, ‘O Aba Salt! Go into this mausoleum where Harun’s grave is located. Pick a handful of dirt from each corner and bring them to me.’ I went and did what Al-Reza (s) had asked me to do. Then when I stood up in front of Al-Reza (s) again, he (s) was standing near the door. I handed him the dirt one handful at a time. He smelled each one and threw it away. Then he said, ‘Here they will dig up a grave for me. A rock will appear which they cannot remove, even if they bring all the mattocks in Khorasan.’ Then Al-Reza (s) said the same things about the dirt at the positions of the head and the feet of Harun. Then Al-Reza (s) said, ‘Give me that other handful of dirt.’ I handed him the dirt from the front of Harun’s grave. Al-Reza (s) took it and said, ‘This is the dirt that will be the dirt of my grave.’ Then Al-Reza (s) said, ‘They will dig a grave for me in this place. You must order them to dig it seven steps deep. Then you must ask them to extend the grave in one direction and construct a grave. If they refuse to do so and insist that it must be a usual type of grave, you will tell them that the grave must be as wide as the size of two arms long plus the span of one wide open hand. Indeed God will extend it as much as He wills. Once they do so, you will notice water there. Recite what I teach you and then the grave will be filled with water. You will see many small fish in it. Then you must feed them with pieces of the bread which I’ll give you now. Once they eat it all up, a large fish will appear and eat up all the small fish until they all disappear. Then the large fish will disappear too. Then you must put your hand in the water and recite what I’ll teach you now. Then the water will drain away and nothing will be left. Do not do this except in the presence of Al-Ma’mun.’ Then Al-Reza (s) added, ‘O Aba Salt! Tomorrow I shall go to see this adulterer (referring to Al-Ma’mun)! If I leave there with a bare head, talk to me and I will respond. However, if when I return my head is covered, then do not talk to me.’”
Aba Salt continued, “When the morning came, Al-Reza (s) put on his clothes and sat down, waiting in his prayer niche. Al-Ma’mun’s servant entered after a while and said, ‘The Commander of the Faithful (Al-Ma’mun) has called you in.’ Then Al-Reza (s) put on his shoes and cloak. He stood up and went. I followed Al-Reza (s) until he went to Al-Ma’mun. There was a dish of grapes in front of Al-Ma’mun and several dishes of fruit, too. There was a bunch of partially eaten grapes in his hand. There were still some grapes left on it. Once Al-Ma’mun saw Al-Reza (s), he leaped towards him and hugged him. He kissed his forehead and had him sit down next to himself. Then he offered Al-Reza (s) the bunch of grapes that he was holding in his hands and said, ‘O son of God’s Prophet! Have you ever seen any better grapes?’ Then Al-Reza (s) told him, ‘It often happens that they are good grapes as if they are from Heaven.’ Then Al-Ma’mun said, ‘Have some.’ Then Al-Reza (s) told him, ‘Excuse me from eating them.’ Then he said, ‘You must eat. Why don’t you eat? Perhaps you are suspicious of me.’ Then Al-Ma’mun picked up the bunch of grapes, had a few grapes and then offered the bunch to Al-Reza (s). Al-Reza (s) ate three grapes, put down the bunch and stood up. Al-Ma’mun asked him, ‘Where are you going?’ He (s) said, ‘I am going to where you sent me.’ Al-Reza (s) pulled his cloak over his head and left.”
Aba Salt added, “I did not talk to Al-Reza (s) until he entered the house and said, ‘Shut the doors.’ They shut the doors. Then Al-Reza (s) laid in bed. I stayed in the yard for a while in a sad and depressed state. Then I saw a handsome young man, who was the closest-looking person to Al-Reza (s) I have ever seen, enter the house. I rushed ahead and asked him, ‘Sir! The doors are closed. How did you get in?’ He (s) answered, ‘He (God) who passed me through closed doors brought me here from Medina.’ I asked, ‘Who are you?’ He (s) replied, ‘I am the Proof of God for you. O Aba Salt! I am Muhammad ibn Ali (Imam al-Reza’s son)’ Then he (s) went to his father (s). He (s) entered the room and asked me to go in with him. When Al-Reza (s) saw him, he leaped towards him. Al-Reza (s) hugged him and put his hands over his shoulders. Then Al-Reza (s) kissed him on the forehead and went back to his couch with him. Muhammad ibn Ali (s) went over to him, kissed him and quietly told him things which I could not hear. However, I could see some foam on Al-Reza’s (s) lips that was even whiter than snow. Aba Ja’far (s) wiped it off with his tongue.
Then Al-Reza (s) placed his hand within his attire over his heart and brought out something like a sparrow. Then Aba Ja’far (s) swallowed it. Then Al-Reza (s) passed away. Then Abu Ja’far said, ‘O Aba Salt! Stand up. Go and bring me water and the wash basin from the cabinet.’ I answered, ‘There is no wash basin in the cabinet and there is no water there either.” However, Aba Ja’far (s) said, ‘Go and do what I ordered you to do.’ I went to the cabinet, and saw that both water and the wash basin were available there. I brought them out. Then I tied up my robe to my waist and took off my footwear to get ready to wash Imam Al-Reza (s). But Aba Ja’far (s) told me, O Aba Salt! Move aside. There is someone else here who will assist me.’’ Then Aba Ja’far (s) performed the ceremonial burial ablutions for Al-Reza (s) and told me, Go to the cabinet and bring me the basket in which there is a shroud and embalmment.’ I went to the cabinet. There I saw a basket which I had never seen before. I picked it up and brought it to him. Aba Ja’far (s) shrouded the Imam (s) and prayed for him. Then he (s) told me, ‘Bring me that coffin.’ Then I asked, ‘Should I go to a carpenter and have him make a coffin?’ Aba Ja’far (s) said, ‘No. Go to the cabinet. There is a coffin there.’ I went to the cabinet and found that there was a coffin there which I had never seen before. I picked it up and brought it to him.
Aba Ja’far (s) lifted Al-Reza (s) after praying for him and placed him in the coffin. He put Al-Reza’s (s) feet side by side and said two units of prayers. Then before finishing his prayers the ceiling of the room was rent asunder and the coffin was flown out of the room from the ceiling. Then I said, ‘O son of the Prophet of God (Aba Ja’far)! Now Al-Ma’mun will come here and demand Al-Reza (s) from us. What should we do?’ Aba Ja’far (s) said, ‘O Aba Salt! Be quiet! The body will return. God will unite the body and the spirit together of any Prophet who dies in the East and any of his Trustees who die in the West.’ Aba Ja’far (s) had not finished talking when the ceiling was again rent asunder, and the coffin and the body descended. Then Aba Ja’far Muhammad ibn Ali (s) stood up, brought the corpse out of the coffin and placed it in bed as if it had neither been washed nor shrouded.
Then Aba Ja’far (s) said to me, ‘O Aba Salt! Stand up and open the door for Al-Ma’mun.’’ Then I opened the door. Al-Ma’mun and his servants were standing at the door. He entered while he was in a sad state and crying. He tore his shirt and hit himself on the head.
He said, ‘O descendant of the Prophet Muhammad (s)! O my Master! Your death is a great calamity for me.’ Then Al-Ma’mun entered and sat next to Al-Reza’s (s) head and said, ‘Start to prepare him.’ Then Al-Ma’mun ordered that a grave be dug. I (i.e. Aba Salt) dug at the location that Imam Al-Reza (s) had ordered me before to do so. Exactly whatever Al-Reza (s) had said would appear appeared. One of Al-Ma’mun‘s asked him, ‘Don’t you say and don’t you believe that he was a Divine Leader?’ Al-Ma’mun replied, ‘Yes. He would not be a Divine Leader unless he is superior to all the people.’ Then Al-Ma’mun ordered that a grave be dug for Al-Reza (s) facing the direction of the Qibla.”
Aba Salt added, “Then I said, ‘Al-Reza (s) has ordered me to dig down about seven steps. Then I must extend the grave for his tomb in one direction.’ Al-Ma’mun ordered the workers, ‘Do as Aba Salt says except for the tomb. Dig a usual type of grave.’ However, once Al-Ma’mun saw that the water appeared, the fish showed up, and the other things happened, Al-Ma’mun said, ‘Al-Reza (s) continuously showed us miracles during his lifetime. We even see miracles after his death.’ One of the ministers who was there asked, ‘Do you know what Al-Reza (s) is informing you about?’ Al-Ma’mun replied, ‘No.’ The minister said, ‘Al-Reza (s) is trying to make you understand that the rule of you - the Abbasids - and your population and the extent of your rule is like these fish, until your time is over and your death arrives. Then you will lose your reign. Then God the Highest will designate a man from the Members of the Holy Household of the Prophet (s) as the ruler over you who will destroy all of you - from the first to the last one of you.’ Al-Ma’mun replied, ‘You are right.’
Then Al-Ma’mun turned towards Aba Salt and said, ‘O Aba Salt! Tell me the words you recited which caused the big fish to swallow the little fish. Teach them to me.’ I replied, ‘By God, I have forgotten them now.’ I had said the truth but he ordered that I be thrown into jail. They buried Al-Reza (s) and I stayed in jail for one year. I had a very hard time in jail. One night I could not go to sleep. I stayed up and prayed to God the Blessed the Highest. I kept mentioning Muhammad (s) and his Household (s). I kept asking God for a happy ending. Before finishing my prayers Abu Ja’far Muhammad ibn Ali (s) entered and said, ‘O Aba Salt! Is your breast straitened?[386]’ Then I said, ‘By God! Yes.’ Then Aba Ja’far (s) said, ‘Stand up and leave here along with me.’
Then Aba Ja’far (s) placed his hands to the chains on me and they all opened up. He (s) took my hands and brought me out of jail, while the prison guards were watching us but did not have the power to say a word. Then Aba Ja’far (s) told me, ‘Go. I entrust you to God! Know that you will never again encounter Al-Ma’mun. Neither will Al-Ma’mun ever find you.’”
Aba Salt added, “Al-Ma’mun has not found me up until now.”
Grading:Sheikh Asif Muhsini: "Mo'tabar" (Masharat Behar al-Anwar 2/199)
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