Blessed Twelve Dirham
It is a Hadeeth of Prophet Muhammad(sawas), showing his one of his numerous Moral Value which every Muslims should acquire.
12-70 حدثنا أبي رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا علي بن إبراهيم بن هاشم، عن أبيه، عن محمد بن أبي عمير، عن أبان الاحمر، عن الصادق أبي عبد الله جعفر بن محمد عليهما السلام قال: جاء رجل إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وقد بلي ثوبه فحمل إليّ اثني عشر درهما فقال عليه السلام: يا علي خذ هذه الدراهم فاشتر لي بها ثوبا ألبسه. قال علي عليه السلام: فجئت إلى السوق فاشتريت له قميصاً باثني عشر درهما وجئت به إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله. فنظر إليّ فقال: يا علي، غير هذا أحب إليّ. أترى صاحبه يقيلنا؟ فقلت: لا أدري. فقال: انظر. فجئـت إلـى صاحبه فقلت: إن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله قد كره هذا يريد غيره فأقلنا فيه، فرد علي الدراهم وجئت بها إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله فمشى معه إلى السوق ليبتاع قميصا فنظر إلى جارية قاعدة على الطريق تبكي، فقال لها رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله: وما شأنك: قالت: يا رسول الله إن أهلي أعطوني أربعة دراهم لاشتري لهم حاجة فضاعت، فلا أجسر أن أرجع إليهم فأعطاها، رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله أربعة دراهم وقال: ارجعي إلى أهلك ومضى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله إلى السوق فاشترى قميصا بأربعة دراهم ولبسه وحمد الله عز وجل فرأى رجلا عريانا يقول: من كساني كساه الله من ثياب الجنة، فخلع رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله قميصه الذي اشتراه وكساه السائل،
ثم رجع عليه السلام إلى السوق فاشترى بالاربعة التي بقيت قميصا آخر فلبسه وحمد الله عز وجل ورجع إلى منزله فإذا الجارية قاعدة على الطريق تبكي فقال لها رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله: مالك لا تأتين أهلك؟ قالت: يا رسول الله إني قد أبطأت عليهم أخاف أن يضربوني، فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله: مري بين يدي وليني على أهلك، وجاء رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله حتى وقف على باب دراهم، ثم قال: السلام عليكم يا أهل الدار، فلم يجيبوه فأعاد السلام فلم يجيبوه، فأعاد السلام فقالوا: وعليكم السلام يا رسول الله ورحمة الله وبركاته، فقال عليه الصلاة والسلام: ما لكم تركتم إجابتي في أول السلام والثاني؟ فقالوا: يا رسول الله سمعنا كلامك فأحببنا أن نستكثر منه، فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله: إن هذه الجارية أبطأت عليكم فلا تؤذوها، فقالوا: يا رسول الله هي حرة لممشاك، فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله: الحمد لله ما رأيت اثني عشر درهما أعظم بركة من هذه، كسا الله بها عاريين، وأعتق نسمة.
12-70 (The compiler of the book narrated) that his father - may God be pleased with him - narrated that Ali ibn Ibrahim ibn Hashim quoted his father, on the authority of Muhammad ibn Abi Umayr, on the authority of Aban al-Ahmar, on the authority of As-Sadiq Aba Abdullah Ja’far ibn Muhammad (MGB), “A man went to see God’s Prophet (MGB). When he saw that the Prophet’s shirt was old, he gave him twelve Dirhams. The Prophet (MGB) said, “O Ali! Take this money and buy me a shirt with it.”
Ali (MGB) said, “I went to the store and bought the Prophet (MGB) a shirt with twelve Dirhams and took it to the Prophet (MGB). He (MGB) looked at it and said, ‘O Ali! I like a different shirt! Do you think that the seller would take it back?’ Ali (MGB) replied, ‘I do not know.’ The Prophet (MGB) said, ‘Then try it.’
Ali (MGB) went back to the store and told the store-keeper, ‘The Prophet of God (MGB) doesn’t like this shirt. He wants another shirt. Please take it back and return the money.’ Then he (MGB) returned the money to the Prophet (MGB). The Prophet (MGB) accompanied Ali (MGB) to the shop to buy another shirt. They ran into a slave girl who was sitting there and crying. The Prophet (MGB) asked her, ‘Why are you crying?’ She said, ‘O Prophet of God! My master gave me four Dirhams with which to buy things from the market. I don't know where that money got lost. Now, I don't have the courage to go back home.’ The Prophet (MGB) gave her four Dirhams and told her, ‘Buy whatever you had to buy and go back home.’
Then the Prophet (MGB) went to the market to buy a shirt for himself for four Dirhams. He (MGB) put it on, praised the Honorable the Exalted God and returned. On his way back from the market, the Prophet (MGB) saw an undressed man who kept on saying, ‘God will put on a Heavenly attire on whoever dresses me up.’ Then the Prophet (MGB) took off his shirt and put it on the needy man.’
Then the Prophet (MGB) himself went to the market to buy another shirt for himself with the last four Dirhams. He (MGB) put it on, praised the Honorable the Exalted God and returned. On his way back, he (MGB) ran into the slave-girl again who was sitting there and crying. The Prophet (MGB) asked her, “Why didn't you go home?” She replied, “O Prophet of God! It is too late for me to return and I am afraid that they might beat me up.” The Prophet of God (MGB) said, “Walk ahead of me and take me to your house.” The Prophet (MGB) walked with her until they reached her house. He stopped at the door and said, “O residents of this house! Peace be upon you.” There was no response. He (MGB) greeted again, but they did not respond. So he (MGB) greeted for the third time. Then they said, “O Prophet of God (MGB)! Peace, blessings and His Mercy be upon you!” The Prophet (MGB) asked, “Then what was the reason why you did not respond to my greeting the first and the second time?” They said, "O Prophet of God (MGB)! Yes! After hearing your voice for the first time itself, we came to know that it was you. However, we loved to hear your voice over and over again." God’s Prophet (MGB) said, "Your slave-girl has taken a long time to come back. Hence, I have come to request that you do not punish her." They said, “O Prophet of God! By the blessing of your gracious coming over to our place, we have set this slave-girl free." The Prophet (MGB) said, “Praise be to God. How blessed were these twelve Dirhams with which two undressed persons got dressed in and a slave-girl was freed."
Source:Al-Khisal by Shiekh Sadooq,Pg 826,H 12-70(English Edition)
Grading:Wahid Khorasani:"Saheeh" (Muqaddimah fi usool al-din,Pg 226)
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