
Who are Ahlebayt??

Ibn Hajar Asqalani explain the meaning of “al-Bayt” وفي ذكر البيت معنى اخر لان مرجع أهل بيت النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم إليها لما ثبت في تفسير قوله تعالى انما يريد الله ليذهب عنكم الرجس أهل البيت قالت أم سلمة لما نزلت دعا النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم فاطمة وعليا والحسن والحسين فجللهم بكساء فقال اللهم هؤلاء أهل بيتي الحديث أخرجه الترمذي وغيره ومرجع أهل البيت هؤلاء إلى خديجة لان الحسنين من فاطمة وفاطمة بنتها وعلي نشا في بيت خديجة وهو صغير ثم تزوج بنتها بعدها فظهر رجوع أهل البيت النبوي إلى خديجة دون غيرها The word house (al-bayt) has a different meaning to it, because the household progeny of the prophet is from her (Khadija  ). Because it is proven in the explanation of the Holy Quran verse 33:33. “Allah only desires to take away any uncleanliness from you, O people of the household, and purify you (thorough purifying)”. Umm Salama says: “When this verse came down the Prophet called upon Fatimah, Ali, Hasan and Hussain and placed them under the cloak and said: O Allah...

Birth of Imam Al-Mahdi(as)

Here I am posting some Saheeh Hadeeth which show Imam Hasan Al-Askari(as)  had a Son Named Muhammed(as)   and Meeting of aSahabah with Imam Mahdi(as)   which proves that Muhammed al-Mahdi(as)   really did exists 2 - محمد بن يحيى، عن أحمد بن إسحاق، عن أبي هاشم الجعفري قال: قلت لابي محمد (عليه السلام): جلالتك تمنعني من مسألتك، فتأذن لي أن أسألك؟ فقال: سل، قلت: يا سيدي هل لك ولد؟ فقال: نعم، فقلت: فإن بك حدث فأين أسأل عنه؟ فقال: بالمدينة. Muhammad ibn Yahya has narrated from Ahmad ibn Ishaq from abu Hashim al-Ja‘fari who has said the following. "I said to abu Muhammad (a.s.), ‘Your grace causes shyness to me to ask you questions. May I ask you a question?" He said, "Yes, you may ask." I said, "My master,  do you have a son ?" He said, " Yes, I do have a son ." I then said, "If anything will happen to you, where would I ask him (about my religion)?" He replied, "Ask him in Madina." Source: Al-Kafi by Kulayni, Vol 1, Pg 328,...

Yazeed (la): Ameer ul Munafiqeen

Yazeed(la) Killed Imam Hussain (as) according to  Sunni Scholars [1]Imam Dhahabi (rah) writes about Yazid(la) in his  As Siyar al Alam an Nabula: وكان ناصبيا فظا غليظا جلفا يتناول المسكر ويفعل المنكر افتتح دولته بمقتل الشهيد الحسين واختتمها بواقعة الحرة فمقته الناس ولم يبارك في عمره وخرج عليه غير واحد بعد الحسين كأهل المدينة قاموا لله He (Yazid) was a disgusting Nasibi (i.e. those who hate Ahlul bayt). He drank and did evil. He started his kingdom with the killing of the Shahid al-Hussain (RA) and ended it with the incident of al-Harra (i.e. besiegement of Madina which also makes him directly liable for Lanah as sahih ahadith prove). Hence the people hated him, he was not blessed in his life, and many took up arms against him after Imam Hussain (RA) such as the people of Madina - they rose for the sake of Allah Source: As Siyar al Alam an Nabula, Volume No. 4, Page No. 37-38 [2]Imam Dhahabi states in his  Tarikh al-Islam: قلت ولما فعل يزيد بأهل المدينة ما فعل وقت...

Holy Prophet (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) Prophecy of his Wali (Successor) after his Death

This Article is taken from: Source: Here are the Hadiths were word "Wali" is use for "Successor" . First of all we will show you the hadith which prove that   “wali”  mean “successor” .  Hadeeth 01: Al-Bukhari records in his  Sahih , vol. 3, p. 1126, Number 2927 : فقال أبو بكر  أنا  ولي  رسول الله  صلى الله عليه وسلم فقبضها أبو بكر فعمل فيها بما عمل رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم والله يعلم إنه فيها لصادق بار راشد تابع للحق ثم توفي الله أبا بكر  فكنت أنا  ولي  أبي بكر  فقبضته ا In the above hadith, we see Abubakr calling himself the  Wali  of the Prophet Muhammad, and Umar calling himself the  Wali  of Abubakr. This is how the Salafi translator of Sahih al-Bukhari, Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan, has translated the above hadith: 'Abu Bakr said, ' I am THE  SUCCESSOR  of Allah's Apostle  so, Abu Bakr took over that property and managed it in the same ...