
Showing posts from October, 2013

Sheikhayn (Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman) in the eyes of Aimmah(as)

We often hear from our opponent saying that, Why do you condemn Sheikhayn when your Imam never offended or condemned them. So let us see, Are our opponent really true?, Were Aimmah pleased with Sheikhayn?. In order to reply to these question, I have collected some Authentic hadeeth from Shia Books to show them the real view of Aimmah (as) about Sheikhayn. In Shia Hadeeth Books two fulan ( فلان وفلان ) ie so and so is commonly referred to Abu Bakr & Umar. I have avoided hadeeth narrated by Sudayr as-Sayraf, due to much confusion and contradiction about his Trustworthiness and his Narrations. Hadeeth #1: علي بن إبراهيم، عن أبيه، عن ابن محبوب، عن عبد الله بن سنان قال: سمعت أبا عبد الله (عليه السلام) يقول: كانت امرأة من الأنصار تودنا أهل البيت وتكثر التعاهد لنا وإن عمر بن الخطاب لقيها ذات يوم وهي تريدنا فقال لها: أين تذهبين يا عجوز الأنصار؟ فقالت: أذهب إلى آل محمد أسلم عليهم وأجدد بهم عهدا وأقضي حقهم، فقال لها عمر: ويلك ليس لهم اليوم حق عليك ولا علينا إنما كان لهم حق على عه...

Is al-Kafi completely authentic like Sahih Bukhari?

Reply to the Statement of al-Kulayni which is mostly considered to be the acceptance of his all the hadeeth in his book to be Saheeh. Al-Kulayni, in his introduction of Al-Kafi, wrote: “Verily, you solemnly wished that you possess a book (Al-Kafi) which is sufficient, brings together the entire Islamic sciences of the knowledge of religion within it, wholly satisfies the needs of the student, acts as a reference for the seekers of guidance, and would be used by those who want to attain the knowledge of religion and practice upon it by deriving Saheeh (authentic) narrations of the as-Sadiqayn (truthful ones) (as) and the upright and acted upon traditions from it—through which the compulsory duties of Allāh, the Powerful and Exalted, and the tradition of His Prophet (saws) can be fulfilled." Comment: The statment says "Saheeh narrations from as-Sadiqayn, where as-Sadiqayn are al-Baqir and as-Sadiq. Now the question is, did al-Kulayni only narrate from as-Sadiqayn...