This Hadeeth gives the Estimate idea of location of the grave of Bibi Fatima(sa) ٢٥ - عنه عن أحمد بن محمد بن أبي نصر قال: سألت أبا الحسن عليه السلام عن قبر فاطمة عليها السلام فقال: دفنت في بيتها فلما زادت بنو أمية في المسجد صارت في المسجد. Narrated from Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Abi Nasr said: I asked Abu al-Hasan peace be upon him about the Grave of Fatima, peace be upon her where it is? Imam said: She was buried in her house,but when the Umayyads increased (the boundary of) the Masjid(Nabawi), then that place came inside the Masjid. Source: al-Tadheeb al-Ahkam by Toosi,Vol 3,Pg 255,H 25 Grading: Majlisi:"Saheeh" (Milaadh Al-Akhyaar 5/481)